"ULM BICYCLE HIRE" - a small service businesses to form bicycle rental business has been held for several years now. Although they are small businesses but with the economic situation and emerging technologies like the fact that all business activities of the company are handled by hand is a pretty big drawback for them. They would be very inconvenient in updating the business situation of their own items, including such things as the tenant details, time of hire and the car was rented and duration allowing her rent cars for the same 1 at 3 branches and headquarters, so they will be difficult to review the business of the branch office and periodically over time. At this time, the branches are obtained database of its own data include bicycles, clients, staff, bike rental, has been hired and at the same time they were able only maintain its operation way: when a client hires one bike from a branch, they can pay it at another branch and the company still can update status information about the bike was for He hired over the phone. How to overcome the drawbacks of this database, though that may improve the situation of the business summation but still very time consuming and prone to errors.
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