Vì tôi luôn nhìn vấn đề rất khác biệt với người khác. Tôi cũng nêu ý kiến của tôi về những vấn đề rất khác biệt. Tôi sợ bạn nghĩ rằng suy nghĩ tốt đẹp của bạn bị tôi phá vỡ
Because I always look very distinct issues with others. I also stated my opinions on the matter are very different. I'm afraid you think nice thoughts is I break
As I have looked very different issues with others. I also stated my opinion on the matter is very different. I'm afraid you think your thoughts are my nice break
Because I always look at people who are very different. If my opinion is different to these questions, I'm afraid you think the good idea is ruined by me.