Have you ever wake up late on the day to go to school yet ? Yes. It's on monday of last week Lúc đó bạn cảm thấy như thế nào? Tôi cảm thấy rất hốt hoảng, vì vậy tôi cố gắng chạy nhanh hết sức có thể đến trường để không bị mất bài học
Have you ever wake up late on the day to go to school yet? Yes. It's on monday of last week then you felt like? I'm so scared, so I tried to run as fast as possible to the school to not lose the lesson
Have you Ever wake up late on the day to go to school yet? Yes. It's on monday of last week then you feel How I feel very jittery, so I tried to run as fast as possible so as not to lose the lesson