Lúc mà mẹ tôi rời xa tôi đi làm ăn xa .Và tôi bắt đầu học nấu ăn , tôi học từ bếp trưởng của gia đình tôi đó là bố tôi.Ông đã dạy cho tôi biết làm thế nào để thức ăn có hương vị ngon , cách trình bày đẹp mắt
At that my mother left me go do far. And I started learning to Cook, I learned from my family's Chef which was my father. He has taught me to know how to taste delicious food, beautifully presented
Now that my mother left me working away And I started to learn to cook, I learned from my family's chefs were announced toi.Ong taught me how to taste delicious food , beautiful presentation
When my mother left me to go on a business trip, I began to learn.V, cook, from my family is my t's I. ng who taught me how to make the food taste good, beautiful eyes, put forward