Last Tienlen all Tienlen very popular today in countries including Vietnam, however, who was the first to figure out how to play this, and when it really does not have the studies mentioned; just know that this game brought up about the 80s of the 20th century to the first game we prepared a playing card (in the North also called elite or the elite dry flue) A. PROVISIONS I. The card - games using standard decks (52 cards). Each card includes the number and quality of 2 parts (eg, Force 5 ♥ 5 numbers and the quality is muscle). - Value (intensity) of the cards depends primarily on the number, if two cards of the same number will compare matter basis. Rated the "strength" in numbers and quality as follows: 2 (swine)> A (blow)> K (old)> Q (dress)> J (compensation)> 10> 9> 8> 7> 6> 5> 4> 3 ♥ body> ♦ checkered> ♣ dragonfly (clove-trefle, nhép)> ♠ flange. - So: leaf 2 ♥ (pig muscle) is the card absolutely dominant leaf 3 ♠ (three flange) is the weakest card in the game leaves 10 ♠ (ten posters) greater than leaf 9 ♥ (nine engines). _________________ Ascending order strength of the cards from left to right ______________ ascending order of priority of the leaf Posts from left to right II. Dealer - A standard deck of cards (52 cards) are divided among four players, each person 13 cards (in case of insufficient play four people, each person also received 13 cards, the remaining leaves are separated out). The players can decide who is the dealer. Normally, all divided by the lake counterclockwise, the dealer receives the first card. IV. Showing threads 1. The simple combination Garbage: Garbage post (all retail) is the single card can not be combined with other cards on the number or nature. Example: ♥ 2 || ♠ Q || ♦ 4 Pair: 2 cards of the same number. Example: 4 ♣ 4 ♠ double ♥ A ♠ A double or three leaves: 3 cards of the same number. Example: ♠ 4 ♦ 4 ♥ 4 || ♠ K ♦ K ♣ K || ♥ 2 ♠ 2 ♦ 2 Lounge (vertical): 3 or more consecutive 3 troops there. Example: ♣ 4 ♣ 5 ♣ 6 || ♥ 6 ♥ 7 ♥ 8 ♥ 9 ♥ 10 || ♠ 8 ♠ 9 ♠ 10 ♠ J ♦ K ♦ Q || ♦ A. Pork is not located in the lobby. Lobby from 3 to A dragon called lobby. When comparing the groups (double, three leaf, Hall, ..) all together, the value of the group is determined by the value of the strongest cards in the group. For example ♠ 5 ♦ 5 ♥ 5 ♠ 4 ♦ wins 4 ♥ 4 ♥ J ♠ K ♥ Q ♥ 6 ♥ 7 ♥ wins 8 (♠ K ♥ 8 wins) 2. The special combination (slang called "goods") double message: a combination of three or more pairs with consecutive numbers. This model does not apply in Northern Vietnam eg ♥ 3 ♦ 3 ♥ 4 ♦ 4 ♥ 5 ♦ 5 || ♠ 10 ♠ J ♣ 10 ♣ J ♠ Q ♣ Q ♠ K ♣ K ♠ A ♣ A || ♠ 10 ♣ 10 ♣ J ♠ Q ♥ J ♦ Q Fourth quarter: 4 cards of the same number. eg ♥ 4 ♦ 4 ♣ 4 ♠ 4 - Customers have the ability to win special abilities called such precious quartet pork chop can double (or one, depending on the rules agreed) and three pairs of data, three pairs of data can be pork chop (4 pairs can be double pork chop) ... Meanwhile, the press will be rewarded & who are cut will be punished. Customers also can rot when there are people on the bottom line but still on hand (to himself) B. Game rules I. General Style This type of play freeing all, meaning that anyone before the winning post. Game start: the beginning of the game board, or the board to start over when someone white. In the games start, who owns leaf ♠ 3 (three posters) shall be beaten before but review should have this leaf in it. These games are not games beginning: He wins the hand before being ahead. Turn in the opposite direction clockwise, every person is a military or a military post. Except "tight" (see below), all who have the same type and the larger previous post (to override the previous post). Same type means the same as garbage, double, lounge, ... If none of the issuers weighed followed last post continues the discussion. If the last post was the last post (have to), the closest they get out all right (this law called the "wrong direction"). Each region, each region has its own rules, subject to the initial agreement of the players. II. Southern Style 1. Go white - As one type prevail (to) special: Wins immediately after the dealer (not rated), while the player has a certain set of special forces, for example with four-pigs. (There are designated places more 2 cases of white to be: with swine count or not. Counting swine (pigs rather count & restaurant) mean the losers if pigs, goods will be counted as rot & white penalized for coming. As white count to be rewarded more pigs should require more stringent, in the sense, probability is more difficult. For example, the next six white double counting swine, also through the next 6 white double counting swine) - When players have one of these special troops will be coming after them white: In the beginning games: Four Q3 3 ♠ 3 double pine In other games: Dragon Hall 6 double (without additional) 5 double message 4 sam (4 sets of 3) 2 four- quarter pork Quartet: ♥ 2 ♦ 2 ♣ 2 ♠ 2. 12/13 cards of the same color or ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ - If more than two people have the ability to white (at the departure board first, this case can not occur), who sat closest to their predecessors (in the current game) in the opposite direction clockwise (dimensional gambling), such persons shall be given priority. "The sooner" had been the first in games, and usually the winners in previous games. (The exception in the case of games before someone gets to port, he is being followed by) 2. "Port" - A player who does not hit it out to be a right cards while others have rated them all disappear, will be "excess". This person will be fined lost two games and was tested all the most, counting the number of "pork", "restaurant" was on post to kick more. The dining room had to. Law stipulates: "Public" one house (one who was "freezing"): 2 The rest continued to play competitive position 2, 3 "piggyback" second home: The rest of the second. "Czech" 3 House: Now, will consider "house all": There is caught without bringing out the beating. The consideration for this are ring type (counter-clockwise) from the person who has to. Who are "the temple posts" will be fined instead of the "village". Meaning people will still be awarded to 1 volume as in case no one temple posts. But the other two (not house all nor to most) will not be & not lose anything. In later games, the temple will all come before (the first article). 3. "Tight," "Tight" is a concept to show the players use special combination ("row") to bring out against "swine" (which is dominant) or "restaurant". Principle "tight": 3 double pine cut a pig, or 3 smaller double inform. Fourth quarter chopped a double pig pig, 3 double any information, the smaller quarter-quarter. 4 double pine cut a pig, sometimes swine, 3 double pine, four-and 4 smaller double and secures information freely, not under the round. "retardants" finally summarize all acts of "tight" before. The final cut will have to take all the money press. 4. "Rot" (rotten) pigs, goods - This is the final event of a gamble. The longer the tick if "pig" or "line" will be punished. People are enjoying third place (except white to separate regulations) 5. How to reward / punish the cut / rotten pig / restaurant Penalty "smelly" pig / row how much the ticket "tight" swine / restaurant much. If we take the first game of tick as units (called 1 bet) then: Pork 1/2 Odds black = red = 3 double Heo information = 1 Fourth quarter = 1.5 4 double message = 2 If people are "tight" to the end that always (ie rated pig / last row and have "tight" pig / This row), no one fined / reward at all. 6. The law on the sidelines when his turn out all that have words or gestures that the remaining players for the past turns out that it implied not be back. When his turn out all that has words on the cards it must be lowered out of that card down, not change. When people come before a formal decision has not lowered all the people go after hastily or impulsively lowered his post, the first player has the right to ask people to go after birds to post up, so he went after it has been revealed all. Players must not have motion count, check the card has been lowered, just mentally. Players have the right not to let others know they are How many cards in hand but when they must report all disappear.
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