Chúng tôi đã bán gần hết số hàng có lại ở kho. Vui lòng triển khai chuyến hàng thứ 2 của Formic Acid trong thời gian gần nhất. Sẽ rất tốt nếu chuyến hàng này được giao vào tuần sau. Chúc cuối tuần vui vẻ.
We sold most of the goods are back in stock. Please deploy the second shipment of Formic Acid in the nearest time. Would be very good if this shipment was delivered the following week.Happy fun weekend.
We have sold most of the goods in the warehouse. Please deployed shipments Formic Acid 2nd in the nearest time. It would be good if the shipment is delivered next week. Good fun weekend.