student is an interesting stage that everybody go through, then we will have to solve a lot of problems of life itself have to worry, to think, in that there is a sentence I think the students would also think: "there is need to work part time job or not?". I think is necessary because the parents do not always give sufficient amount that we need, student life it has a lot of problems related to money, such as money for tuition, food, money, accommodation ... also work part-time to experience living, at that time we will collide with the many problems of society It makes us more mature, understand the life in a deeper way. the work is very much like the waiter, product marketing, flyers, ... I think I'll go do the waiter to earn extra income. on the face may also post a lot about wage 1-1, 5tr/t But comes in it is some difficult, we can fall into the temptation of society
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