Marketing cá nhân: là thiết kế những sản phẩm và chương trình marketing phù hợp với nhu cầu và sở thích của từng khách hàng đơn lẻ Còn được biết đến như: One-to-one marketing Mass customization Markets-of-one marketing
Personal marketing: is the design of products and marketing programs that fit the needs and preferences of each client individuallyAlso known as:One-to-one marketingMass customizationMarkets-of-one marketing
Personal Marketing: is the design of products and marketing programs fit the needs and preferences of each individual customer Also known as: One-to-one marketing Mass customization Markets-of-one marketing
Personal marketing, design and marketing of products suitable for project needs and customer preferences are lonelyAlso known as:A big one - a marketingMass customizationOne, marketing