3. The solutions to improve the efficiency of tax fraud prevention work through tax worth of imported goods in Vietnam today3.1 to further improve the regulations of the law on customs value of anti-dumping tax, against the subsidies on the basis of building mechanisms to ensure effective implementation.In the context of Vietnam became a full member of the WTO continue to modify and supplement to full and original adaptation for the content of the agreement is worth/WTO on the GATT text Vietnam is not delayed. Which is especially interested in perfecting the regulations on the rights and obligations of the Customs on the responsibilities and powers of the Customs authorities, such as the obligation to participate in the consultation, obligation to pay tax according to the determined customs tax return, filed the secured account obligations as required by the customs , the guarantee obligations to customs clearance of the goods in the case of the customs declarations worth suspicion, tax collection obligations including in the case of tax value has been customs authority accepted before that ... of the customs; Responsible for the Organization of consultations, the responsibility to notify the importer knew the material, the source of the information used to determine the taxable value, accountability requires the Customs filed account secured enough to pay taxes for shipment in case the customs authority has grounded doubts the value of declarations ... of the customs.Along with the completion of the mandate of customs value is built step by step and improve the provisions of the law on anti-dumping tax, against subsidies as well as mechanisms to ensure implementation is urgently needed, because even in the case of imported goods are dumped , subsidies, when considering the value of the tax still worth of transactions. Therefore to protection for the domestic industry before the unhealthy competition and guarantee for the importer to be equal when the same applies to the principles defined under the tax value worth GATT/WTO requires synchronized deployment of anti-dumping measures , against subsidies from export countries. At the same time, must be issued to the legal text specific guide the investigation and application of anti-dumping taxes, subsidies and must treat this as a mandatory legal tools to deal with imports when declared with the value too low.3.2 improve the mechanism of self-publicity, the value of tax calculation and tax rates management processes imported goodsThe mechanism of determining the tax rates the current imports in Vietnam was totally based on the principles and methods of determining value for tax calculation under GATT/WTO. Along with the mechanism that is self, self declaration mechanism defined valued tax should initially achieved some results such as: create ventilation for commercial exchanges, in line with international practices, change management method of public servants from Customs Act were imposed to proactively check , control the self declaration of the business, consistent with the process of administrative reform, enhance self-discipline of enterprises – this is the advanced management methods. However, to prevent tax fraud through identify tax value should continue to improve and establish a legal corridor for some active support for inspection, control and determine the value declared as: referendum valuation at valuation Center , to use the information by the commercial counselor Agency, common service agencies in the Embassy of Vietnam in the water supply of the water sold FOB price; Modify the additional legal documents related to the work of the following Customs inspection, customs audit work in accordance with the accounting standards, auditing standards nationally and internationally.According to manage tax rates currently imports, the construction and management of tax value occurs at the Local level and also the Bureau Directorate provided the only information is the key. so the complete process of managing tax value must follow the direction: clearly defined tasks, the responsibility of each individual in each stitch. Special process need detailed instructions authority, responsibility and grounds for the Customs Agency denied the value of the Declaration does not match the actual transaction value, as this is an important professional stitching to ensure the management of the tax value of efficiency at the same time contributing to limit to the maximum extent the controversy between business and customs in the case of imported taxable price pressure.3.3 effective implementation of these texts about collaborate between customs agencies with the relevant authoritiesWith the advantage of self declaration mechanisms, tax self many enterprises have conducted to declare the value of the goods is very low compared with the real or false description of goods aimed at evasion and avoidance of taxes payable. To overcome this situation should have the participation of aid agencies, tax system, banking system, police agencies systems ... By the cooperation of these bodies on the one hand contribute to timely prevent fraud, tax evasion, on the one hand ensure harmony in issuing as well as implementing the law. The problem is that not only issued to have the text of the law which is important and of interest than is the effectiveness of the implementation of the law? By current practice has had quite a lot of legal regulations on this issue, for example, clause 4, article 32, customs law, 2001; Article 19 of Decree 155/2005/ND-CP dated 15/12/2005 of the Government; Circular No. 01/2006/TTLB-BTC-NHNN on 04/02/2006 ... To ensure the efficiency when implementing this text should concern the following:-For the Bank: collaborate in providing the documents relating to the payment of export shipment, import inspection service determine the tax value-For domestic tax authorities: collaborate in checking the accuracy of the content on the customs declaration with the books, accounting of the business that the tax agency collected. Actively promote the work of the exchange of information with tax authorities to check the sale after the clearance of the business.-For Ministry of public security: collaborate in implementing tax collection after consultation with price, after tax checks, debt collection tax form as well as the management of the business enterprise of export and import.3.4 consolidation of data information system reviews and frequently make "rich" data about the price.Từ khi bảng giá tối thiểu của Bộ Tài Chính được bãi bỏ, thì cơ sở để các công chức làm công tác giá so sánh đối chiếu với trị giá khai báo của doanh nghiệp chính là các thông tin về giá trên thị trường, các mức giá chào bán trên Internet và đặc biệt là sử dụng đến hệ thống dữ liệu giá (GTT-22) của Tổng cục Hải quan. Các cơ sở dữ liệu này giúp công chức Hải quan biết được trị giá của mặt hàng nhập khẩu sẽ nằm trong khoảng nào, cho biết giá trị thực của một loại hàng hoá, do cùng một doanh nghiệp nhập khẩu được khai báo như thế nào, từ đó cho phép cơ quan Hải quan có được những nhận định về tính trung thực của khai báo để cơ quan hải quan xác định đúng trị giá tính thuế cho lô hàng. Việc làm “giàu” dữ liệu giá trước hết được thực hiện bằng cách cập nhật thường xuyên các thông tin dữ liệu vào hệ thống GTT -22, cần chú ý nhập những dữ liệu cần thiết như tên, địa chỉ đối tác nước ngoài, nhà sản xuất, thương hiệu để phục vụ cho việc xác định hàng hoá nhập khẩu giống hệt, tương tự. Bên cạnh đó, phải tăng cường công tác phối kết hợp với Hải quan khu vực và thế giới trong việc trao đổi thông tin về trị giá. Với việc hợp tác này Hải quan các bên có thể giúp nhau xác định tương đối chính xác mức giá của hàng hoá nhập khẩu cần xác định trị giá, từ đó sẽ có cơ sở để bác bỏ trị giá khai báo của các doanh nghiệp trong trường hợp doanh nghiệp khai báo giá quá thấp so với thị trường quốc tế. Đồng thời xây dựng trung tâm thu thập thông tin tình báo của Hải quan là các cơ quan tham tán, đại sứ quán ở ngoài nước nhằm cung cấp những thông tin liên quan đến các lô hàng có nhiều rủi ro.3.5 promote the work to check the tax value and improve the effectiveness of the work of the consultation.The work to check the value of the tax must be promoted immediately at the time of customs clearance procedures and especially after the customs clearance of goods. By strengthening the check worth just to ensure the accuracy and honesty of the declarations just as tax fraud prevention tool over the price. By the specific business of the following Customs inspection with the check period is 5 years from the date of customs clearance of the goods, that allows Customs authorities can collect data and evidence sufficient to fight against
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