Khi nhà độc quyền tăng sản lượng, có 2 tác động đối với tổng doanh thu (PxQ) đó là hiệu ứng sản lượng- sản lượng bán nhiều, Q cao và hiệu ứng giá cả- giá giảm, Q thấp
When the exclusive home to increase production, has two implications for the total revenue (PxQ) that is output-the output effects sell more, price effects and high Q-reduced price, low Q
When the monopolist to increase production, has 2 effects on total revenue (PXQ) which is the output effect Luong products sold, and the effects of high Q than- discount prices, low Q
When we have the exclusive effect of increasing production, there are two pairs of total revenue (PxQ) effect - this is the production of high yield Q, sell more, price effect price decline - low Q