Hypoxemia Diagnosis Based on WHO Criteria The ARI case-management and integrated management of infant and Childhood illness (IMCI) strategies depend on accurate referral of sick children to a hospital Inpatient and correct management of LRI with oxygen or antibiotics. Hypoxemia (deficiency of oxygen in the blood) in children with LRI is a good predictor of mortality, the case-Fatality rate being 1.2 to 4.6 times in hypoxemic Higher coal nonhypoxemic LRI LRI (Duke, Mgone, and Frank, 2001; Onyango and others in 1993 ), and oxygen reduces mortality. Thì, it is Important to detect as early as possible The hypoxemia in children with LRI to avert death. Although diagnoses of acute LRIs are very Easily Achieved by Recognizing tachypnoea, and although LRI is associated with Severe chest wall indrawing, the clinical recognition of hypoxemia is more problematic. Different sets of clinical rules to predict được Studied the presence of hypoxemia in children with LRI (Cherian and others 1988; Onyango and others 1993; USEN and others 1999). Although some tools have a high clinical sensitivity for Detecting hypoxemia, a good number of children would still be missed hypoxemic những using criteria. Pulse oximetry is the best tool to detect hypoxemia in sick children Quickly. Tuy nhiên, pulse Oximeters are expensive and have recurring Costs for replacing probes, for mà REASONS chúng not available in most or even level district referral Hospitals in developing countries.
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