tôi nghĩ rằng trong tương lai, con người sẽ sử dụng mua sắm online rất nhiều. Bởi vì mức sống của con người ngày càng tăng và nhu cầu cuộc sống cũng sẽ tăng theo. Mua sắm online rất tiện lợi và giảm được rất nhiều chi phí ngoài mong muốn.
I think that in the future, people will use a lot of online shopping. Because the standard of living of the people is rising and the demand will also increase accordingly. Shopping online is very convenient and reduce many costs beyond desire.
I think in the future, people will use a lot of online shopping. Because of human living standards and the growing needs of life will also increase. Shopping online is very convenient and greatly reduces unexpected costs.
I think, in the future, people will use online shopping a lot. Because people's living standards improve, the demand for life will also increase. Online shopping is very convenient and cost reduction in a lot of hope.