Bố tôi sinh năm 1971 đến từ hà nội. Khi năm tuổi, bố của ông ấy qua đời. Bố tôi đã không đi học nữa. Năm 1980, Ông ấy đi làm phục vụ cho các cửa hàng. Năm 1992, ông ấy kết hôn. Con trai đầu ông ấy sinh năm 1994.
My dad was born in 1971. When five years old, his father died. My father was not going to school anymore. In 1980, he went to work for the store. In 1992, he married. His first son was born in 1994.
My father was born in 1971 from Hanoi. When five years old, his father died. My father did not go to school anymore. In 1980, He's going to cater to the store. In 1992, he married. His first son was born in 1994.