Ngoài vị trí quán quân về doanh thu, AB Inbev cũng là ông lớn đứng đầu về khả năng sinh lợi. Lợi nhuận của AB InBev trong năm 2012 đạt 11,1 tỷ USD, gấp 10 lần hãng bia Carlsberg
Besides the number of AB Inbev, revenue is also Mr. big head about profitability. AB InBev's profits in 2012 reach 11.1 billion, 10 times the Carlsberg beer label
In addition to the top spot in terms of revenue, AB InBev is also big head about profitability. AB InBev's profit in 2012 reached 11.1 billion US dollars, 10 times the Carlsberg
In addition to the income champion position, AB InBev is the first big profitability. AB InBev profits in 2012 reached 10 times the $1 billion 11,1, Carlsberg beer company