chào cha, hãy trả lời tôi ngay khi bạn nhận được tin nhắn này. Con đã cố gắng chuyển tiền cho bạn nhưng vẫn không được, bạn có thể xem lại có sai sót chỗ nào không! Tôi đợi kết quả tốt từ bạn. cảm ơn cha
Hi, Daddy, please answer me as soon as you get this message.I have tried to transfer the money to you but it still fails, you can review has any flaws!I expect good results from you. Thanks dad
hello father, answer me as soon as you get this message. I was trying to transfer money to you, but it does not work, you can see where the mistakes have not! I am waiting for good results from you. thank you dad