Có một vấn đề mà mọi người luôn mắc phải khi vào trường mới, nới ở mới đó là việc kết bạn. Điều đó thật sự dễ dàng đối với người chủ động nhưng lại rất khó khăn cho những người bị động giống như tôi.
There is a problem that everyone always suffer when the new school, where the new link you. It's really easy for an active person but very difficult for people who are just like me.
There is a problem that people always make when on a new school, new place that is making friends. It's really easy for the initiative, but it is very difficult for people who are just like me.
There is a problem with everyone in the school, which is making friends in new places. It's really easy for people to control, but it's hard to do the activities of people like me.