Với hơn 9 năm kinh nghiệm, VHT đã và đang cung cấp dịch vụ cho các thương hiệu lớn như ACB, ANZ, HomeCredit, HDSAISON, Dutch Lady/ Friesland Campina, Unilever, BMW, Nguyễn Kim…
With over 9 years experience, VHT has provided services to major brands such as ACB, ANZ, HomeCredit, HDSAISON, Dutch Lady, Friesland Campina, Unilever, BMW, Naidu ...
With over 9 years of experience, VHT has been providing services to major brands such as ACB, ANZ, HomeCredit, HDSAISON, Dutch Lady / FrieslandCampina, Unilever, BMW, Nguyen Kim ...