Năm điều Bác dạy đã trỏ thành chuẩn mực đạo đức mà mỗi học sinh luôn phấn đấu và rèn luyện, trong đó, dũng cảm là một phẩm chất đạo đức quan trọng mà mỗi người cần có để chung sống với cộng đồng.
Five things your doctor taught was pointing into the ethical standards that each student strives and work out, which, courage is an important virtue that every person should have to live with the community.
Five Things Physicians have become ethical standards that each student strive and practice, in which the brave is an important moral qualities that each person should have to live with the community.
In 2003 I taught that it has become a moral standard that every student works hard, and that the brave moral character is an important community for everyone to live with.