khi tôi còn bé, tôi có những mơ ước rất đáng yêu. cũng như bao nhiêu đứa trẻ khác, tôi ước sau này mình sẽ trở thành siêu nhân, có siêu năng lực, trở thành dũng sĩ giải cứu thế giới, trở thành một phù thủy tài giỏi như harry potter
When I was little, I have these very lovely dream. as well as how many other kids, I wish she would later become Superman, super capacity, became valiant heroes, become a skilled witch as harry potter
when I was a kid, I had a lovely dream. as well as many other children, I wish he would later become superhuman, super capacity, became valiant rescue the world, becoming a witch talent like harry potter