Chiều tối chúng mình đi ăn nen nướng Bh rất nổi tiếng. Tối khuya ra chợ Dl ăn bánh tráng nướng , ăn kem bơ, uống atiso nóng, đạp xe đạp quanh hồ xh,.. Còn gì tuyệt vời hơn nữa.
In the evening we go to eat grilled very famous Bh nen. Late night market food eat baked rice paper Dl buttermilk ice cream, drink hot atiso, cycling around the Lake xh, and. .. What's even more amazing.
On the evening we went to eat grilled Bh very famous. DL late night out baked bread, butter cream eating, drinking hot artichoke, cycling around the lake xh, .. What's even more amazing.