Lạm phát là tỷ lệ mà ở đó sức mua bị suy giảm do sự gia tằng về mức giá chung của hàng hóa. Ngân hàng trung ương cố gắng hạn chế tình trạng làm phát và tránh lạm phát để giữ cho nền kinh tế hoạt động ổn định.
Inflation is the rate in which purchasing power declined due to the formation of the general price level of goods. The Central Bank tries to limit the rise status and avoid inflation to keep the economy stable operation.
Inflation is the rate at which the purchasing power declined due to the increase in the general price level of goods. The central bank tries to curb inflation and avoid inflation to keep the economy stable operation.
The inflation rate is due to the decrease in the purchasing power of a common Zeng in the price of the goods. The central bank attempts to limit state detection, to avoid inflation, maintain stable economic activity.