Step 1: receiving, inspection, registration, threading declarations1. The system automatically receive, inspect, Guide (if available) to the Customs and the level of customs declarations after receiving information of the customs declaration.The case of the Customs notice don't make customs declarations are registered, the Bureau of customs where the registered declaration made retrieval of business records information on the risk management system (Section 5.1.1) and do the following:a) case of the system determined the status of the business is "active" then notify support-General Directorate of Customs (Help Desk) through telephone number (04) 37 824 754, (4) 37 824 755, (4), (4) 37 824 756 37 824 757 or email: to perform the data processing on the system VNACCS;b) where the system does not identify the business status is "active" (other or unknown status status) that the enterprise has the certificate from the proven active business normally, then do the following:b. 1) receiving, inspecting the business filing document/presentation. If the document is valid, set the table with 3 content information include:-Tax code of business;-Company name;-The content handle: specify the content needs to handle (for example: business name on the system is not consistent with company name indicated on the certificate of registration of business).b. 2) Bureau Chief of the Customs Bureau signed, stamped customs Bureau on lists, fax lists and the certificate from the enterprise filed about the General Department of Customs (through receiving the clue is risk management-fax: 04.39440644).Bureau of customs where the register is responsible for declaration made within 2 hours from the time the customs provided enough evidence from the regulation.c) the responsibility of the General Directorate of customsImmediately after receiving information from the Bureau of customs where the registered Declaration (via fax, lists), which are in the General Department of Customs is responsible for:c. 1) risk management Committee: examined, collated and reported to the General Department of taxation, the IT Department & TKHQ about the adjustment of business information (if available);c. 2) it Bureau & TKHQ: updated information to enterprises and the related system (VNACCS/VCIS, e-Customs V5, KTT...).The units in the Customs Administration is responsible for implementation within 2 hours from the time of receipt of the information from the Bureau of customs where the registration of the Declaration.2. automated system of receiving, screening, instructions (if any) and threading customs declarations after receiving information the official declaration of the customs in the form prescribed in paragraph 4 to article 26 of Decree 8/2015/ND-CP and paragraph 3 article 19 circular No. 38/2015/TT-BTC. Case classification code check is 1-green stream, customs declaration system to step 4 of the procedure; as for the other inspection classification codes, customs declaration system to step 2 of the process.3. in case of detecting signs of violation, or goods subject to fact check the cargo and the shipment has not passed the customs surveillance zone shall apply career service "pause put line through the monitoring area" as defined in article 14 processes issued under this decision. Case shipments have passed through the area of monitoring, the Bureau of customs where the registration of a transfer information about the unit is responsible for performing the duties of risk management, anti-smuggling investigation, the Bureau of customs check after the Customs Bureau of customs in the province or city to make the next professional step.
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