Sinh viên có bằng tốt nghiệp trình độ đại học, cao đẳng song không đạt chuẩn đào tạo, không hành nghề được một cách phù hợp, là một sự lãng phí lớn với xã hội, nhà trường, bản thân người học và gia đình.
Students who have university or college diplomas but do not meet training standards and cannot practice appropriately are a huge waste to society, the school, the learners themselves and their families.
Students who hold university and college degrees but do not meet training standards cannot practice properly, which is a huge waste to society, schools, learners themselves, and families.
It is a great waste to society, schools, learners themselves and families that college graduates with university degrees and students who do not meet the training standards practice inappropriately.