Công ty Cổ phần Tini&me This is to certify that Nguyễn Thị Loan Date of birth: 2/11/1994 Have successfully complete the course Important secrets of content marketing (đúng ko Loan-trả lời inbox riêng nha m) Held on from ..to..
Tini Corporation & meThis is to certify thatNguyen Thi LoanDate of birth: 2/11/1994Have successfully complete the courseImportant secrets of content marketing (right-answer inbox separately nha m)Held on from. to..
JSC Tini & me This is to certify có Nguyen Thi Loan Date of birth: 02/11/1994 Have successfully complete the course Important secrets of content marketing (Loan-ko correct answer nha own inbox m) Held on from ..to ..
Stock company and I TiNiThis is certify, bigNguyen LuanDate of birth: November 2, 1994Have successfully completed the courseAn important part of Marketing Secrets (not Luan answer myself. Inbox m)Held from..to.