Mr Bean: The Animated Series is a 2002 animated film based on British television series in 1990 Mr Bean. Original characters included Mr. Bean, Irma Gobb, Teddy and the mysterious driver of the Reliant Supervan, besides Her appearance Wicket-Mr. Bean's landlady and devious cat Scrapper.Just like the tv movie version, the animated Mr. Bean also has very little dialogue, mainly, the babbling ones. Rowan Atkinson voiced the Bean character, and all the actions of the Bean in the cartoon were retrieved from main Atkinson. The other characters are voiced by Jon Glover, Rupert Degas, Gary Martin, Thea White and Lorelei King.Although the name of the movie is simply Mr. Bean, but some television stations call this series is Mr. Bean: plus 1 extra behind the title to avoid confusion with the original Mr. Bean movie. In his broadcast, Disney Channel in Southeast Asia call this series as "Mr. Bean-The Animated Series" and the original version as "Mr. Bean-Live Action Series". [2] the German version aired on Super RTL (TOGGO channel) then was named "Mr. Bean-Die Cartoon-Serie". [3]
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