The major step in opening the environmental management system according to ISO 14001Step 1: build environmental policy:The environmental policy is the guideline for the application and improvement of the environmental management system of the Organization so that the organization can maintain and potentially improve the results of its environmental activities. Therefore, policies need to reflect the commitment of the leader of the compliance with the requirements of the law and other applicable requirements, on preventing pollution and continuous improvement. This is the first phase of the HTQLMT structure, and is the Foundation to build and implement HTQLMT. Environmental policy must be reviewed regularly to ensure the system is done and complete.Step 2: plan on environmental management:This is the planning phase in the cycle plan-implement-test-reviews. The planning stage is set up in an effective manner is when organizations must achieve compliance with the requirements of the law and comply with the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard and the expected environmental results by yourself set up. The work done in this period include:Determine the required legal and other environmental requirements that organizations/businesses to comply with, these requirements can include: the requirements of international law, countries; the legal requirements of the region/province/sector; the legal requirements of the local government.Identify the environmental aspects mean: organizations that need the environmental aspects within the environmental management system, taking into account input and output and, this is a very important activity in the construction and application of the environmental management system. When determining environmental aspects to consider to the activities, business process, input and output are related to: the emission into the atmosphere, the discharge of sewage, waste management, soil contamination, use of raw materials and natural resources, the environmental problems of the local and surrounding community.Set goals, targets and environmental management program in order to achieve the goals and targets set out. Each program should describe how the Organization will achieve these goals and targets, including the time, the resources needed and the person responsible for implementation of this program.Step 3. Implement and run:The third phase of the model provides the tools, processes and resources needed to operate the HTQLMT systems in a sustainable manner. Implementation phase and put the system into operation QLMT. This stage requires updated constantly changes, as assigned to leave responsibility for the staff when the activities or products of the organization change, or the training needs change over time, or the policies and procedures through continuous improvement. The work done in this period include:Structure and responsibilities: organize a group or appoint a person who has the responsibility and authority to implement and maintain the environmental management system and provide the necessary resources.Competence, training and awareness: make the appropriate training content for audience management, labor groups, the project management group and the Executive Officer of the factory.Contact information: to establish and implement the system of internal and external information in order to receive and respond to information on the environment and the dissemination of information to those individuals/departments concerned. This information usually includes: the new law, information of the suppliers, the customers and the surrounding community, and disseminate information on environmental management systems to the workers.Chemical text documents of the environmental management system: documentation of the environmental management system may include: manual, procedures and manuals. According to the standard, there are 11 requests should be made in writing, and work instructions. If the Organization has had a quality management system according to ISO 9001, can combine the 6 basic process of the quality management system, environmental management system.Operating control: implementation of operating processes (work instructions to control the important environmental aspects of the production process and other activities were held. The Organization should pay attention to the environmental aspects related to meaningful activities and products of the contractors and suppliers.Sự chuẩn bị và ứng phó với tình trạng khẩn cấp: Thực hiện các qui trình nhằm xác định các tình trạng khẩn cấp tiềm ẩn và giảm thiểu tác động nếu tình trạng đó xảy ra (ví dụ : cháy nổ, rò rỉ các nguyên vật liệu nguy hại)Bước 4: Kiểm tra và hành động khắc phục:Giai đoạn thứ tư của mô hình thể hiện hoạt động vận hành của hệ thống HTQLMT, đây là giai đoạn để xem xét cải tiến quá trình hoặc quyết định những thay đổi cho các giai đoạn khác. Giai đoạn thể hiện bước Kiểm tra trong chu trình Lập kế hoạch - Thực hiện – Kiểm tra - Đánh giá. Các công việc cần thực hiện trong giai đoạn này gồm:Giám sát và đo: Tiến hành thủ tục giám sát v
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