Chúng ta không thể phủ nhận những thành tựu đáng kể của Vietjet với tuổi đời còn quá non trẻ. Bên cạnh sự non trẻ với đầy sự mới mẻ Vietjet củng đối mặt với rất nhiều vấn đề chưa tìm ra được hướng khắc phục như sau:
We cannot deny Vietjet's significant achievements at such a young age. Besides being young and full of newness, Vietjet also faces many problems that have not found a solution as follows:
We cannot deny the significant achievements of Vietjet during its youth. In addition to being young and full of freshness, Vietjet also faces many unresolved issues, as shown below:
We can't deny Vietjet's remarkable achievements in his youth. Besides being young and full of freshness, Yuejie also faces many unsolved problems, such as: