TÔI MONG BẠN LUÔN LUÔN ĐƯỢC BÌNH AN Bạn thấn mến! Sức khỏe và công việc bạn thế nào? Chúc bạn luôn thuận lợi trong mọi mặt. Tôi cũng muốn viết cho bạn rất nhiều nhưng tôi đang đi công tác khám bệnh cho các trẻ em mồ côi nên rất bận. Xin gởi đến bạn những lời chúc tốt đẹp nhất
I URGE YOU TO ALWAYS BE SAFEYou thấn!Health and work you like? Wish you always advantageous in all aspects. I also like to write to you a lot but I'm on a business trip for the orphans should be very busy. Please send to you the good wishes for
I urge you to ALWAYS BEEN AN BINH Dear friends! Health and how you work? Wish you always favorable in all aspects. I also want to write a lot, but you're going to work for medical examination orphans should be very busy. Please send to you the best wishes
I hope you'll always be safeTh n dear friend!Good health, how is work? I wish you all the best. I want to give you a lot, but I should be very busy at work. I give you my best wishes.