Thanks for your mail Chúng tôi muốn đặt hàng 49 tấn Formic cho chuyến hàng kế tiếp. Vui lòng sắp xếp để chuyến hàng này được giao càng sớm càng tốt. Vui lòng gửi hợp đồng cho chúng tôi. Chờ hồi âm của bạn.
Thanks for your mailWe want to order 50 tons for the next shipment of Formic. Please arrange for shipment is delivered as soon as possible. Please send us the contract. Waiting for your feedback.
Thanks for your mail We want to order 49 tons of Formic for the next shipment. Please arrange shipments are delivered as soon as possible. Please send the contract to us. Waiting for your reply.