Mốc 7.21.1: Hoàn thành thi công lắp đặt đường ống >=500m đợt 14 (phù hợp với biên pháp lắp đặt và việc thử áp từng đoạn đường ống)/ Hệ thống cung cấp nước ngọt
7.21.1 milestones: completion of construction and installation of pipelines > = 500 m batch 14 (French border fit installation and pressure test of each pipe segment), fresh-water supply system
7.21.1 milestone: Completion of pipeline construction and installation of> = 500m round of 14 (in line with the legal boundary installation and pressure testing pipe segments) / fresh water supply system
Mold 7.21.1: complete the construction and installation of pipeline 500m batch > = 14 (suitable for the French border installation and test pipeline of each section) / water system