Chúng tôi có gửi mail nhắc nhở ngày 08/12/2016, nhưng chưa thấy phản hồi từ Quý Công Ty. Nếu Quý công ty không có ý kiến, U&I sẽ ghi sổ hóa đơn bán ra không có chi tiết mặt hàng.
We have sent the mail reminders on 08/12/2016, but haven't seen a response from your company. If your company doesn't have comments, U & I will log out bills no more items.
We have sent mail reminder dated 08.12.2016, but have not heard back from your Company. If your company does not have opinions, U & I will book sold without invoice line item.
We remind / mail December 8, 2016, but no response from your company. If your company has no opinion, I will U (S) in the invoice goods sold without details.