Bạn làm việc đến mấy giờ? Hôm nay tôi đi công tác không có ở SG, khoảng 7h tối tôi sẽ về tới nơi. Bạn có thể cho tôi địa chỉ nhà riêng được không, tôi sẽ gửi token cho bạn khi tôi về tới SG
What time do you work until? Today I'm on a business trip and not in SG. I'll be back around 7pm. Can you give me your home address, I will send you the token when I get back to SG
What time do you work until? I am not in SG on a business trip today and will arrive around 7 pm. Can you give me a home address? When I return to SG, I will give you a token
How late do you work? I'm not in SG on business today. I'll be back around 7 pm. Can you tell me your home address? When I return to SG, I will send you tokens.