Chapter IIADVOCACY, NEGOTIATION, CONCLUSION OF INTERNATIONAL TREATIES THE FRAME ABOUT ODA AND AID AGREEMENT PCPNNArticle 6. Mobilize foreign assistance resources1. The base priority areas stipulated in article 5, on the basis of receiving, general suggestions of foreign assistance resources mobilization of the unit, international cooperation, collaboration with financial planning and related units held promotion activities , called for foreign investment, mobilization financial aid in the field of education and training; the leaders about joining the Conference Advisory Group donors (CG Conference); in case of need, the leader of The Conference organization and mobilization of foreign aid for education.2. The unit in The following functions, tasks are assigned to actively mobilize the foreign assistance resources on the basis of the priority areas defined in article 5 of this circular, proposed programs, projects and activities using the sources of foreign support for The General and put in the category of foreign support resource mobilization.Article 7. List building programs, ODA funding requirements projects1. Prepare the build directory of ODA funding requirements:a) in February of every year, on the basis of results of mobilization of ODA, the unit actively propose the list of programs, the project needs to attract ODA and send a preliminary outline of each program, project (each set contains text in Vietnamese and English) about financial planning to sum up;b) Service Plan-finance, in cooperation with the relevant units to scrutinize, general process leaders look and have text sent the Ministry of planning and investment category registered the program, projects funded by ODA requirements.2. Build a detailed outline:a) after receipt of the Ministry of planning and investment announced the results of negotiations with donors, financial planning process led The signed written notice for the construction unit outline of program details, the ODA project;b) notification of the base unit, detailed outline built according to the model in annex of the circular No. 04/2007/TT-BKH on 30/7/2007 of the Ministry of planning and investment guide implementation of regulations and the use of official development assistance resources (hereinafter referred to as the circular 05) and posted the same text outline 10 proposal of the unit on the Financial planning.3. Consult the Agency, the unit concerned on the detailed outline programs, ODA projects and announce the official sponsor lista) after receipt of a valid profile of the unit, the financial planning ideas of the unit under the Ministry and the ministries concerned on the detailed outline of the program, the project put into registry listing ODA funding requirements. Host unit made responsible editing, additional announcements of financial planning.b) after receiving the notice of the Ministry of planning and investment of the program, projects are selected on the list of official sponsors or not selected, financial planning to announce to the unit. The decision by the Prime Minister on the approval of funding ODA requirements list and the notice of the Ministry of planning and investment of the program, the project was officially chosen as the legal basis for the deployment of units to the construction project, the program documents.4. With regard to the other cases, the General directory of ODA funding requirements as follows:a) case self advocacy units are the program, ODA projects: proactive unit outline details of the program, projects funded by ODA requirements, submit financial planning to put into the category of ODA of the stadium. After the text of the agreement with the donor, the unit has the sheets the enclosed outline details send Service plans-General reports to the Finance Ministry and the Ministry of planning and investment put into the category of ODA funding requirements;b) proactive sponsor case proposed and agreed upon with the units in the programme, the project is not in the list of ODA requirements are approved by the Prime Minister: the unit has the sheets the enclosed detailed outline sent to financial planning to evaluation, the Ministry considered sending the Ministry of planning and investment, added to your request list ODA aid;c) with respect to the program, other projects: units have the sheet enclosed detailed outline sent to financial planning to the evaluation report, The leaders sent the Ministry of planning and investment, the prime consideration, decision.Article 8. Negotiating, signing international treaties framework on ODA and aid agreement PCPNN1. Vụ Hợp tác quốc tế chủ trì, phối hợp với Vụ Kế hoạch - Tài chính, Cục Cơ sở vật chất và Thiết bị trường học, đồ chơi trẻ em, Vụ Pháp chế và các đơn vị liên quan chuẩn bị nội dung, tham gia cùng Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư, Bộ Tài chính, Ngân hàng Nhà nước Việt Nam trong quá trình đàm phán, ký kết với các nhà tài trợ các điều ước quốc tế khung về ODA.2. Vụ Kế hoạch - Tài chính chủ trì, phối hợp với các đơn vị có liên quan để liên hệ và vận động viện trợ PCPNN, đàm phán, ký kết văn bản ghi nhớ hoặc thỏa thuận về viện trợ PCPNN.
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