Đến lúc này, nước ninh mới được dùng làm nước dùng cho bát phở. Lúc này, để làm nước dùng có hương vị ngon, đầu bếp sẽ cho gừng và củ hành đã được nướng chín vào nồi.
By this time, new security water is used as a water noodle Bowl. At this time, to make delicious flavored broth, the chef will for the ginger and onion were baked into the pot.
By this time, water is used as the new security broth for pho. Now, to make delicious flavored broth, ginger and cook would have been cooked onions to the pot.
At this time, only to use the broth to do a bowl of noodles in the water use. Now, let the water have a sweet taste, the chef will cook the ginger and onion in the pan.