Từ cách tiếp cận vấn đề như trên, với điều kiện Việt Nam là nước thu nhập thấp, thị trường kém phát, và đất nước đang đối diện với cuộc khủng hoảng tài chính toàn cầu nên thả nổi hoàn toàn tỷ giá là không thực tế.
From the approach the problem as above, with the condition that Vietnam is the low income, poor markets, and the country is faced with the global financial crisis should fully floating exchange rate is not the fact.
From the approach to the problem as above, Vietnam is provided that low-income countries, less developed markets, and the country is facing a financial crisis worldwide should fully floating exchange rate is unrealistic .
From the approach to the problems and conditions, Vietnam is a low income country, the market and the low country, in the face of the global financial crisis, so the floating exchange rate is completely unrealistic.