Thủy vào phòng nói như chửi chó mắng mèo, anh phong, có người nói xấu anh đó, anh phong hỏi ai nói xấu, chị thủy trả lời rằng ai vào đây nữa, trong phòng chỉ có hai người nói xấu thầy thôi
Cards in the room said as the dog yanked yelled at the cat, you say bad manners, he, Feng asked who said bad, marine sister replied that anyone on here anymore, there are only two rooms in the defames the master only
Cards into the room saying verbally scolded dog cat, he feng, someone slandered him, he asked who speak ill wind, hydro, she replied that nobody in here again, in a room with only two speakers only bad teacher