Mẹ tốt, rất tốt với tôi nhưng có lúc tôi nghĩ mẹ thật quá đáng, thật… ác. Đã bao lần, mẹ mắng tôi, tôi đã khóc. Khóc vì uất ức, cay đắng chứ đâu khóc vì hối hận
Good mother, good to me but I think too much at the real mother, real ... wicked. How many times have I yelled at mom, I was crying. Crying because of wrath memories, bitter's crying because of remorse
Good mother, very good to me, but sometimes I think she is so outrageous, so ... evil. How many times, she yelled at me, I cried. Cry for frustrations, but where wept bitterly regret