Tất cả các sản phẩm liên quan đến việc sử dụng bột, trứng, chất béo và nướng lên được gọi chung là PASTRY. Từ "cake" mà người Việt hay gọi là "bánh ngọt" chỉ là 1 mảng rất hẹp trong Pastry. Ta cùng xem phân loại:
All the products related to the use of flour, eggs, fat and baked up called PASTRY. The word "cake" that Vietnamese people known as "cake" is a very narrow array of Pastry. We view the Classifieds:
All products related to the use of flour, eggs, fat and baking to be referred to as PASTRY. The word "cake" that the Vietnamese call "cake" is just one very narrow array of Pastry. I see the same classification:
All related products, with flour, eggs, fat and roast pastry. "Vietnam cake" or "cake" is in a very narrow pastry plate. Together we look at the classification: