- Big eyes glistening, sleek mercurial mouth and chubby cheeks is characteristic beauty of the old Saigon girls. The team added a hat favored bonnet this time increases the personality traits for young girls.
Girls long jacket on Le Loi Street, before the company car segment Kim Long (next to the Mall of Tax) 1965.Ao year long waists, breasts religion prevalent in the 1960s
Today, in the development of market economy with openness and integration into the globalization process, in the wave of "fad" changing rapidly, the Vietnamese women's tunic was also shown the bravery of cultural nuances ethnic.
Saigon female additive 60s very popular shopping, sported. They are skillful in choosing costumes wanted background textures, solid colors that bring elegance luxury.
-Kiot Corner of Liberty books and Nguyen Van Thinh (now Dong Khoi Street and Mac Thi Buoi, District 1)
-On the streets of Saigon in 1970. Short pleated skirt and ballet flats do not look much different from the girls current time.
-Management Flared tube is characteristic imprint 70s fashion ladies also received fast Saigon.
-In Memory of many people, the beauty of Saigon girls also their image inside the car. Two types typical of Italy's Vespa and Velo Solex, French vehicles with front engine mount. Photos Saigon girls driving themselves or Cub Vespa brings charm and personality.
-The Stylish sunglasses.
-The Liberal, trendy clothing styles of the young women in the 1970s HCM City. The beauty of women is not only the former Saigon by convincing people how to dress trendy, confident charisma but also on openness in communication, always welcome new things. They alternative, but still exudes a modern elegance and inherent youthful. Saigon old woman brought to the standards of beauty hardly been eroded over time, and still is an inspiration until now.
-Water sweet once famous Tiger
beer label 33, the precursor of today's 333 beer
-In 1960, the soft drink Coca Cola company official presence in Vietnam
-Water beloved cane in Saigon
- Wet water with bags of fresh water are available in plastic bags to
(usually no terminal type) always welcome new things. They alternative, but still exudes a modern elegance and inherent youthful. Saigon old woman brought to the standards of beauty hardly been eroded over time, and still is an inspiration until now. DRINKS -Water sweet once famous Tiger beer label 33, the precursor of today's 333 beer -In 1960, the soft drink Coca Cola company official presence in Vietnam -Water beloved cane in Saigon - Wet water with bags of fresh water are available in plastic bags to (usually no terminal type) always welcome new things. They alternative, but still exudes a modern elegance and inherent youthful. Saigon old woman brought to the standards of beauty hardly been eroded over time, and still is an inspiration until now. DRINKS -Water sweet once famous Tiger beer label 33, the precursor of today's 333 beer -In 1960, the soft drink Coca Cola company official presence in Vietnam -Water beloved cane in Saigon - Wet water with bags of fresh water are available in plastic bags to (usually no terminal type)
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