Nhà của tôi cách trường học không xa lắm . Hàng ngày , tôi thường đến trường trên chiếc xe đạp cũ màu xanh . Nó như người bạn thân thiết , hàng ngay , cũng tôi đến trường rồi lại cũng tôi trở về nhà
My home school not far away. Daily, I usually go to school on an old blue bike. It's like you familiarly, right, well I go to school and I also returned home
My home is not very far away from a school. Every day, I go to school on the old blue bike. It's as close friends, every day, I go to school and then I went home and
My home is not far from the school. Every day at school, I often go to the old bike is blue. It's like a close friend, they go to school at me, I also go home