Tôi có một chuyến công tác vì vậy tôi chỉ có thể tham gia vào cuối tuần sau. Ngoài ra, tôi có muốn có một phần giao lưu với nhân viên vì vậy bạn có thể gửi cho tôi danh sách nhân viên tham gia hôm đấy
I have a business trip so I can only participate next weekend. In addition, I would like to have an interaction session with the staff so can you send me the list of staff participating that day?
I have a business trip, so I can only participate next weekend. In addition, I would like to have a conversation with the employees so that you can send me a list of the employees who participated on that day.
I have a business trip, so I can only attend next weekend. In addition, I want to communicate with employees, so you can give me a list of employees to attend the day.