Hãy để tôi giải thích Có một người phụ nữ dùng nhân để gọi tôi và yêu cầu chuyển 1000 để gửi quà về cho tôi Và tôi đã gọi bên cục hải quan xác nhận sự việc nhưng không có điều này
Let me explainThere was a woman who used to call me and ask to send 1000 gifts, transfer on to meAnd I called customs Bureau Party confirmed the incident but did not have this
Let me explain There's a woman who used to call me and request a transfer in 1000 to send gifts to me and I had to call the Customs Department confirmed the incident but did not have this
Let me explain.There was a woman who used to give me a call and asked to give me 1000 gifts.I'm calling to confirm the fact that the local customs, but not this