Tôi sẽ tạm thời không nói chuyện với họ bởi vì không nên đưa ra quyết định khi tôi không bình tĩnh. Khi tôi cảm thấy ổn thì tôi sẽ hỏi lý do bạn ấy nói dối tôi. Nếu bạn ấy bạn ấy có câu trả lòi thỏa đáng thì tôi suy nghĩ lại và làm lành với bạn ấy.
I will not speak to them temporarily because should not make decisions when I'm not calm. When I'm feeling all right, I'll ask why she lied to me. If you then you have satisfactory answers questions then I thought back and done good to you.
I will temporarily not talk to them because not to make a decision when I am not calm. When I feel okay, then I would ask why you did not lie to me. If you did you had a satisfactory answer, I think again and make up with her.
I won't tell them for a while because I shouldn't make a decision. When I feel good, I will ask why, she says I lie. If she is satisfied with her answer, I want to be reconciled with you.