Tại Việt Nam, tỷ lệ thừa cân báo phì trẻ em đang tăng nhanh. Theo kết quả của điều tra dinh dưỡng giai đoạn 2000-2010 [3], tỷ lệ thừa cân, béo phì ở trẻ dưới 5 tuổi là 5,6% (ở thành phố 6,5% và ở nông thôn 4,2%). So với năm 2000, tỷ lệ thừa cân béo phì ở trẻ dưới 5 tuổi cao hơn 6 lần. Kết quả nghiên cứu năm 2014 của Phùng Đức Nhật [10] cho thấy tỉ lệ thừa cân béo phì là 20,1%, trong đó có 13,7% là thừa cân và 6,4% là béo phì. Cũng như các nước trên thế giới, nếu các các chuyên gia chăm sóc sức khỏe và cha mẹ trẻ không có biện pháp phòng ngừa thừa cân béo phì cho trẻ thì bệnh thừa cân béo phì sẽ gia tăng không thể kiểm soát
In Vietnam, the percentage of overweight children obesity alarm is growing fast. According to the results of nutritional survey between 2000-2010 [3], the rate of overweight, obesity in children under age 5 are 5.6% (6.5% in the cities and in the countryside 4.2%). Compared to 2000, the rate of obesity and overweight in children below 5 years 6 times higher. Research results of Phung Duc Japanese 2014 [10] shows the ratio of Overweight obesity is 20.1%, of which 13.7% were overweight and 6.4% are obese. As well as the countries of the world, if the health care professionals and parents of children with no preventative measures for child obesity overweight Overweight obesity diseases will increase out of control
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In Vietnam, the percentage of overweight and obese children newspapers is increasing rapidly. According to the results of the nutrition survey period 2000-2010 [3], the rate of overweight and obesity among children under 5 years old was 5.6% (6.5% in cities and 4.2% in rural areas ). Compared with 2000, the proportion of overweight and obesity among children under 5 years old is higher than 6 times. Findings of Phung Duc Japan 2014 [10] showed that the rate of overweight and obesity was 20.1%, including 13.7% were overweight and 6.4% were obese. As well as countries in the world, if the health care professionals and parents of children with no precautions overweight child overweight and obesity, the disease will increase uncontrollably
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