Developing Quality Lesson<br>Study in Schools<br>Japanese teachers value LS so highly<br>That they cannot imagine doing<br>Without it (Fernandez & Yoshida,<br>2004). In the aftermath of the 2011<br>Japanese earthquake and tsunami,<br>Professor Kiyomi Akita, an LS expert<br>From University of Tokyo, received the<br>Following email from the principal<br>of a school in Fukushima, an area<br>Be devastated by the earthquake and<br>Contaminated by radioactivity:<br>Our School will start the school<br>Year on April 11th – five days later<br>than usual. We've suffered from<br>The cut off of the life line and have<br>Anxieties about radioactivity. But<br>We are recovering our daily life<br>Gradually. Please Come for Lesson<br>Study on May 13th. It is our<br>Pleasure to do Lesson Study with you even in such a situation. Lesson<br>Study is spiritual nourishment of<br>Our school and it is a chance to<br>Empower our teachers ' minds and<br>Hearts. Our mission is to take care<br>of our children through lessons<br>In the classroom. (Akita, 2012,<br>Emphasis added)<br>A Japanese Teacher had the following<br>To say about research lessons: "Why<br>Do we do research lessons? I Don't<br>Think there are any laws [requiring it].<br>But If we didn't do research lessons,<br>We wouldn't be teachers "(Lewis &<br>Tsuchida, 1998, p. 14). Research Lessons<br>Provide a window into what education<br>And teaching can be when teachers<br>Observe how other teachers create a<br>Class and a community of students,<br>And not just teach a lesson. Japanese<br>Teachers do not just see LS as a source<br>of feedback or of learning about new<br>Techniques They often describe how<br>LS has influenced their philosophy of<br>Teaching to the point of even bringing<br>About a radical change in their ideas<br>About education. Japanese teachers are<br>Not given "release time" to participate<br>In research lesson activities, so the<br>Time "That teachers receive for lesson<br>Study during work hours does not<br>Reduce their teaching load, and they<br>Must meet in the evenings or on<br>Weekends when they participate<br>In non-school-based study groups "
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