Vâng, thực sự xin lỗi, cuối năm cuối tháng tôi rất bận, làm không hết việc. Mắt tôi nhìn máy tính đang bị đau nhưng vẫn phải làm, biết bạn nhắn tin nhưng không thể trả lời, mong bạn thông cảm. Cảm ơn .
Yes, sorry, I'm very busy last month of last year, do not run out of work. My eyes looked at the computer is hurt but still have to do, know you texting but could not answer, hoping you feel. Thank.
Well, really sorry, late last month are very busy, do not all work. My eyes looked hurt but computers are still to be done, but the message that you can not answer, you expect sympathy. Thank you .
Yes, really sorry, the last year of the last month I was busy, do not do. I see computer eye injury, but still do friends send text messages, but can not answer, I hope you understand, thank you.