Sự kiên nhẫn, tập trung, cẩn thận là đức tính cần thiết cho công việc hỗ trợ kỹ thuật. Những lỗ hổng, sự cố phải được xem xét kỹ lưỡng để giải quyết triệt để và hiệu quả nhất
Patience, concentration, and carefulness are essential virtues for technical support work. Vulnerabilities and problems must be carefully considered to be resolved thoroughly and most effectively
Patience, focus, and prudence are essential virtues in technical support work. It is necessary to thoroughly review vulnerabilities and issues in order to solve them most thoroughly and effectively
Patience, concentration and carefulness are the virtues necessary for technical support. Vulnerabilities and failures must be carefully considered in order to solve them thoroughly and effectively.