theo như thỏa thuận, thì bạn thuê xe máy của tôi chỉ có 300.000vnd. nhưng trong bao thư có 400.000 vnd. tôi nghĩ là có sự nhầm lẫn. tôi đã gửi tin nhắn cho bạn về điều này. nhưng không thấy bạn trả lời.
According to the agreement, you rent motorcycles only 300,000 vnd. but in the cover letter is 400,000 USD. I think there is confusion. I sent a message to you about this. but don't see you answered.
as agreed, then you hire my motorcycle only VND300,000. but in envelopes with 400,000 VND. I think there is a mistake. I sent a message to you about this. but did not see your reply.