Nợ khó đòi của công ty B.M.C (Khách hàng hiện vẫn đang hoạt động bình thường nhưng không chịu trả nợ). Để đưa được khoản này vào nợ khó đòi và được tính là chi phí hợp lý cần những chứng từ sau:
Debt provision of B.M. company C (client is still functioning normally but is not subject to repayment). To get this paragraph into debt and was counted as a reasonable cost need the following documents:
Bad debts of the company BMC (Customers are still operating normally, but does not pay the debt). To put that amount in bad debts and costs are reasonable need the following documents:
Bad debts b.m.c (the customer's company is still normal, but can not pay the debt). Let banks in bad debts and reasonable calculation of the cost of these documents are required: