Tôi sống ở QC . QC là một vùng nông thôn , kinh tế phát triển , . Tôi rất hạnh phúc khi sống ở đây . Ngôi nhà tôi nhỏ nhưng rất đẹp . Xung quanh nhà là những ngôi nhà hàng xóm .
I live in QC. QC is a rural, economic development,. I am very happy to live here. My House is small but very nice. Around the House are the homes of neighbors.
I live in QC. QC is a rural area, economic development,. I am very happy to live here. My house is small but very nice. Around the house is the neighbors house.
I live in QC. QC is a rural, economic development. I'm glad to live here. My house is small, but very beautiful. The house around the neighbor's house.